CHRIS MORRELL is the owner of High Alpine Anglers. He has chased trout on the fly since childhood and has 17 years of fly fishing guiding experience in Wyoming. Chris is also an author on the subject of fly fishing for trout. He is recognized as one of the top guides in the Jackson Hole region for his fly fishing knowledge, creative approach to guiding, and easy going nature. Chris is known for getting boats into and out of extremely tight and uniquely rewarding places for his clients. His love for fly fishing stems from it's ability to teach lessons about the natural world every single day. Chris grew up chasing trout in the mountains of Maine and was addicted at an early age. In college, his passion for the sport grew through the Bates College Fishing Club ( After graduating with a degree in economics and an environmental focus, Chris moved to Jackson Hole to pursue a career in outdoor adventure sports. He enjoys learning, writing, skiing powder, extreme mushroom foraging, hunting, surfing, and chasing fish.
ERIC FROHLICH, aka "Gator" is the head guide at High Alpine Anglers. Eric grew up in the panhandle of Florida chasing any and all fish. If you had asked him what he would be when he grew up he would have told you a saltwater fishing guide… little did he know, the call of the mountains was coming and soon everything would change. After spending a summer fishing, living, and working in Island Park, Idaho, Eric moved out west after graduating from the University of South Florida. Since then he has guided on some of the west’s most spectacular rivers in Colorado, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana. Eric has been living in Jackson Hole for the past 6 winters instructing and coaching for the Jackson freeride team. He is fired up to settle into his home water and enjoy year round livin’ and fishin’ in the Tetons!
MICHAEL KUTCH is a passionate angler and avid outdoorsman that came to Jackson in search of adventure. He is a true expert at picking apart freestone creeks and spring creeks in search of trout in a tactical, yet fun way and he has an undeniable knack for pulling big fish out of his hat. He loves sharing his passion for exploring and outdoor recreation and excels at teaching anglers of all abilities. Like many of the best guides, Michael is appalled by the idea of a desk job. He spends his time in the winter working as a ski patroller with Grand Targhee where his responsibilities include saving damsels in distress and throwing avalanche explosives to keep the public safe. #swoon
BILL WEISS is a hunting and fishing machine from Memphis, TN. He is an avid hunter who enjoys spending his days in the woods chasing after deer, ducks, and wild boar. Growing up Bill spent his summers with his family in Jackson fishing Wyoming and Idaho. He has a keen understanding of the rivers around Jackson because he was raised on them and he has gained a great appreciation and understanding for the Jackson area and all it has to offer. Big fish get Bill going in the morning and his favorite river to fish is the Green with his dad (Billy Weiss Senior). Bill is an incredible athlete and a powerhouse on the driftboat oars with a deep understanding of trout behavior learned from a life outdoors.
HENRY GANS was first attracted to Wyoming for a variety of reasons but became obsessed once he began to explore the expansive wilderness this state has to offer. He has been fishing his entire life and first picked up a fly rod as a young teen chasing brook trout in southern Vermont. Since this spark was ignited, Henry has fished far and wide in hopes of honing his craft and becoming a more educated angler. From there, the only logical next step was to become a guide and take this hobby to the next level. Henry's high energy personality, knowledge of the area, and teaching ability has helped him guide beginners and experts alike to memorable fishing adventures. "It's the shared human experience that comes with exploring and fishing in the Wyoming wilderness that I find most fulfilling about this job. Although the buzz of a reel spinning as a big fish takes you deep is pretty damn good too." After the peak fishing season, Henry spends much of his time skiing in the Wyoming backcountry and at Jackson Hole Mountain Resort.
WILL MESHAD grew up in Atlanta, GA spending lots of time chasing big bass on the Chattahooche and trout in the mountains of north Georgia. He spent most of his summers in The Keys and the Bahamas fishing inshore and offshore for bonefish and billfish. Will moved to Jackson, WY for the massive trout that the Valley has to offer and needless to say, has become obsessed. Will loves the endless amount of knowledge that comes with fly fishing and the constant pursuit of the giant. Besides fly fishing, Will spends a lot of time skiing, duck hunting, biking, playing golf, and messing around with his dog Otis. His passion for this fishery is huge and he's always pumped to chase trout.
JEFF BROEDER learned to love fly fishing while growing up in the Midwest and fishing the Ozark streams for smallmouth bass and trout. Since 2007, Jeff has been working in Wyoming through several ranches and outfitters, taking groups into the backcountry, and experiencing the amazing wilderness that this area offers. Since that time, Jeff's knowledge of the fishing in this valley has grown immensely. He truly enjoys having the opportunity to guide fisherman and the mix of meeting new people, teaching the art of fly fishing, and enjoying time on the water. Jeff's knowledge of fishing and his outdoor sense and passion are undeniable.